The Conference Committee are seeking 40 high quality papers for the conference with each paper having a 30-minute speaking slot. Papers will be presented in sessions organised by asset class or a cross-cutting theme. Within each session papers are likely to come from different disciplines to foster inter-disciplinary collaboration and learning. The conference full details can be found aqui.
Papers will be presented over 14 conference sessions.
Draft session themes are:
Innovative methods and datasets (e.g. geospatial analysis, big data, machine learning etc)
Insurance and Reinsurance
Cognition and Behaviour
Listed Equities
Corporate Governance
Nature and Biodiversity
Environmental performance and credit quality
Pension Funds
Financial Regulation and Supervision
Sovereign Investors (SWFs, state-owned banks etc)
Infrastructure Investment
Stranded Assets
If your paper is accepted, one of the authors is guaranteed a place at the conference, however, registration fees will still be due.
Submissions must be academic working papers not yet accepted for publication. Papers should be journal article length and include an abstract. We invite submissions from any disciplinary, theoretical, or methodological perspective as long as they address topics within sustainable finance and investment.