FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2020
FinGeo is proud to announce that the 2020 FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize has been awarded to an excellent applicant:
FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2019
FinGeo is proud to announce that the 2019 FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize has been awarded to an excellent applicant:
FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2018
FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2017
FinGeo is proud to announce that the First FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize (2017) has been awarded to two excellent applicants:
Gareth Bryant (The University of Sydney) for his dissertation entitled “Carbon Markets and the Production of Climate Change: Appropriating, Commodifying and Capitalising Nature”
Cesare Di Feliciantonio (Sapienza University Rome & KU Leuven), for his dissertation entitled “Reversing Neoliberal Subjectification: The Re-emergence of Social Movements around Housing and Real Estate in the Metropolitan Areas of Rome and Barcelona”.
The FinGeo reading committee was excited to see that the both of the candidates scored equally excellent on the evaluation criteria and overall made a comparable and very valuable contribution to the emerging field of financial geography. Each of them has been awarded prize money of 250 euro sponsored by EUFINGEO (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) and the invitation to hold an Early Career Keynote at one of our forthcoming FinGeo-sponsored events.
More info about FinGeo Doctoral Dissertation Prize can be found aqui